Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Shingles... I still hate you

Two and a half years ago, I was sitting in a Dr's office trying, to figure out what was going on with my face and eye. I had a break out on my eyebrow and forehead that made me look like a hormone crazed teenager.  My eye was blurry and the whole thing stung like a bee sting. After a look-over from my GP, I was whisked away to an ophthalmologist, where I was diagnosed with shingles of the eye.


It was two months of dilation eye drops, three days of the week visits to the Dr for pressure checks and to track the scare tissue on the cornea,  wearing an eye patch and hiding in a dark room because I was so light sensitive.

 I had been a recluse for so long that I was praying for death. I was tired of the pain, tired of not being able to see, not being able to be out in the day light. Slowly, my vision got better. But not 100%  The ophthalmologist said that it would be a few weeks to restore my sight. Over that year there weren't many changes.  I just see halos.  Similar to a full day of swimming in a public pool only with more double vision.

Fast forward a year and a half to today.  I went in for my annual vision check, knowing that I was still experiencing some residual issues from the shingles. They did a barrage of tests and the verdict was in. I have some pretty gnarly damage to my eye.
Looking at the image above you'll see white "clouding".  This clouding is the scaring in my eye.  When this developed, it squished the lens of the eye causing astigmatism.
The Dr. tested and figured out the manipulation for my new lenses.  It was kind of crazy as I sorted between #1s and #2s.  When we got to the final scrip and we did the before and after and HOLY COW!!  I was in shock.  I didn't realize how bad my eye had gotten.  You just get used to it.  So my sweet Milly helped me pick out my new frames. Here were a few of her favorites...
 Mrs.Kitty likey!
These take me back to high school.

After much deliberation, Milly and I picked out...

My left lens will be a bit thicker than the right, but I know that my vision will be  greatly improved.

So what do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How long did it take the swelling in your eyelid to go away and look normal again?? I've had shingles in my eye for 4 months now and it's still swollen.... doctor said it just takes a really long time to go back to normal sometimes....


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