Friday, July 3, 2015

Rewind... {PART 2 HEART}

Echo-cardiogram Day

Sitting in the waiting room, my heart  pounding.  Legs shaking uncontrollably. I had Googled what to expect the night before, and that helped. But I still found my self uneasy.

When  they called my name, I quickly settled down and went into game mode. The ultrasound tech had me lay on the table in the cool dark room, which settled me even more.

I watched as she ran the probe over my chest, looking at all the details of my heart.  She took lots of measurements and pictures. She was so good about talking me through the whole thing.

When she was done, the tech stepped out to share the info with the cardiologist. They were very quick to share the results with me.

It was very obvious from their findings, that I had 3-4 regurgitating heart valves (of leaky heart valves). This means that the valves in my heart and acting more like a swinging door that never shuts properly.  This allows the blood flow to change directions rather than going in one.

At this time, the thought is that my issue is not bad enough to warrant any kid of intervention with the valves. However, there were still concerns about the palups and irregular rhythms that I was having.

Stress Test Day

I arrived in work out cloths, not thrilled about the test that was about to be performed.  Just walking up the stairs hurt my heart.  Running was just out of the question. Taking  one for the team. ie. my health, I put my big girl panties on and did what I had to do.

The test is simple... Kind of.   They hook me up to a heart monitor and put me on a treadmill.  For six minutes the treadmill would increase in speed.  The goal is to get the heart rate to 160 in that time.  All the while measuring the hearts rhythms.

I'll be honest.  I HATED IT!!! Why?  Because I'm not supposed to run with my back.  I was in so much pain. The tech offered to stop but I wasn't giving up.  I had to finish.  There was no way I was going to do this again... or so I thought.

When the test was over, the cardiologist gave me a run down of the results. He was bold and upfront.  my heart appears to be abnormal. But the only way to truly know what was happening was to undergo one more test. A Nuclear Stress test. He said that 1 in 10 people my age that he sees actually have something really wrong.  But I have my age on my side.  The thought is that I just have a "funny heart" and that I would have to tell any Dr that examines me this for the rest of my life.  But that 10% chance was that there were possibly blockages in my arteries that were causing these phenomenons.

Nuclear Stress Test Day

Same as before with a few differences.  I had to be admitted through the ER.  They gave me an IV that had several ports and valves.  A radioactive die was then injected and my heart was scanned by a really cool rotating machine while at rest. (wish I took a picture of it)

Then I was asked to run/walk on the treadmill just like the test before. I was sent back to the "cool rotating machine" to take images again while my heart was still active. The process was very interesting.  The staff informed me that the Dr. would contact me, though patience is not a strong point of mine.

A few days later, I received a letter in the mail from my Dr. It's lengthy and detailed. But that's one of the may reasons I love my Dr.  They all way mail you a copy of all test results so you have it for your reference.

On the second page it states

1. Exercise stress myocardial perfusion study demonstrates no evidence of myocardial infract or ischemia.
2. Left ventricular systolic function is within its normal limits.
3. No stress related ischemic EKG changes seen."

You should have seen the look on my face as I read it. My whole family was in the room.  I wanted to throw a party right then and there.


That is all!

Yes, I'm still being treated for blood pressure and palpitations.  But the treatment has done it's job.  I'll continue on my heart med for the time being.

1 comment:

  1. That's great to hear! I thought for a second that you were going to have to go have your heart Zapped like Grandpa is going to do next week. A funny heart for a funny girl! LOL My doctor has ran me through all of those test just because of my age and family back ground. I always pass the test with flying colors. I told my doctor that I'm the one family member that doesn't have health problems, I got all of the good genes. I think it is because I have always exercised, didn't smoke, didn't drink soda's, not really a drinker maybe one drink a year if that! LOL Now if I could only cut out sweets I would be in really good condition! My biggest down fall! If you can Carina try exercising starting out with really easy then work up to more. When your pool is done that will be a great start. Go and get you this foam noodle, I just got one and it is a lot nicer that the little noodles. It is made out of the same stuff that my old blue float that I had in Haggin Oaks and my new float is the same. It cost $14.00 at Costco. You've seen the exercises that I do in the pool, start out slow, then increase as you feel better about what you are doing. Praying that everything gets better for you!!! <3


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