Saturday, June 27, 2015

We're EXPECTING!!!....

... to finish building our pool in three weeks.

All my friends are all making baby announcements and gender reviles.  And since the baby factory has been shut down for nearly five years now, I thought I'd join in the action with announcement of our own.

As you all know, my health has not been the best over the last few year.  All of my doctors have prescribed swimming as my main form of exercise and physical therapy.  The problem lied in the fact that we hadn't built a pool in our new house yet. It's been  the plan in all our saving for some time now, but we just hadn't taken the "plunge" yet. Now that my sweet hubby was a victim of bacteria at the local beach, we are all a little leery of public swimming. With all these events we jumped in both feet first. Well, more like a cannonball.

After interviewing several custom pool builders in our area, our family chose to work with the amazing people at Cypress Custom Pools. Our designer, Gary, was a complete joy to work with in the design process.  We felt he was personable, easy to talk to and really understood the feeling and design we were looking for. Lets just say that he gave us everything we wanted.

Just look at this beauty!
Don't you just want to jump right in?


  1. Love it!!! I can't jump that far but I will swim in my pool and pretend that I am swimming with you guys! LOL I have my pink and yellow balls swimming around in my pool I never did find an orange ball so these will have to do. I call them Alana and Ariana! LOL When I do my exercises with the ball I'm standing on their heads! I know I'm a mean G.G. LOL But they don't drown they pop right back up! <3 I know all of you will enjoy your pool when it is finished you are all water bugs jus like me! <3

  2. It is beautiful!! We need to find some time to catch up; it feels like it's been forever!


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